Part of the 2023 season: Always Evolving

The Past is Always New, the Future is Always Nostalgic: Photographer Daido Moriyama

Kako wa itsumo atarashiku, mirai wa tsuneni natsukashii: Shashinka Moriyama Daido, 過去はいつも新しく、未来はつねに懐かしい 写真家 森山大道

Director IWAMA Gen


2021, 112 min, English Subtitles

More than fifty years after his debut, photographer MORIYAMA Daido, now in his eighties, continues to be active at the forefront of photography. Winning the Hasselblad Foundation, International Award in Photography in 2019, he is probably best known for his distinctive photographic style of black and white, grainy, harsh contrasts, and blurred movements. Despite his international acclaim, his shooting methods and everyday life have been shrouded in mystery. To find out more about MORIYAMA, the film follows the reprint project of his debut photo book, Nippon Gekijo Shashincho (Japan: A Photo Theatre), first published in 1968.

This is a rare documentary that offers a close-up view of Japan’s most iconic photographer and the secrets of his work, revealing the behind-the-scenes of the project to revive his legendary photo book.

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