Part of the 2018 season: (Un)true Colours
Where I Belong
Director Shinji Azuma
Cast Cast: Kazuyuki Aijima, Mina Fujii, Kento Hayashi, Etsuko Ichihara, Katsuhiko Watabiki
© 2016 "Where I Belong" Production Committee
(Shabondama, しゃぼん玉)
Izumi (Kento Hayashi), a lowlife thief cowardly targeting women and the elderly, goes on the run and finds himself stranded in the mountains of Miyazaki in southern Japan. Along one of the remote roads Izumi encounters an injured elderly woman, Suma (Etsuko Ichihara), and reluctantly comes to her aid. Indebted to Izumi for saving her life, Izumi takes in the homeless ‘good Samaritan’ and treats him like her own grandson, uninterested in his true identity. Can Izumi settle into a new life in the village, or will his secret wrongdoings in the past catch up with him?
A drama based on a novel by bestselling crime fiction writer Asa Nonami, Where I Belong is a beautifully meditative story set in a picturesque remote village in south Japan, exploring themes of human sin and redemption.
2017/108 min/English Subtitles
親の愛を知らずに育ち、通り魔事件や強盗傷害を繰り返す若者、伊豆見。逃亡中に老女スマを助けたことがきっかけで、彼女の家に寝泊まりするようになる。金を盗んで逃げるつもりだったが、村の人々とのふれあいに伊豆見の荒んだ心が変わり始める。直木賞作家、乃南アサのベストセラー小説を、人気TV シリーズ「相棒」で長年、監督を務めてきた東伸児が映画化した人間ドラマ。
監督: 東伸児
出演: 林遣都、相島一之、市原悦子
(Special thanks to Eikoku News Digest)
Past screenings
- QUAD Friday 9 February, 18:10
- Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) Friday 9 February, 18:30
- HOME Monday 19 February, 18:10
- Phoenix, Leicester Wednesday 7 March, 18:10
- Storyhouse Sunday 11 March, 13:00
- Depot Tuesday 13 March, 20:30
- Midlands Arts Centre Saturday 17 March, 18:00
All films in this season
Gukoroku - Traces of Sin
Japanese Girls Never Die
The Dark Maidens
The Long Excuse
Oh Lucy!
Initiation Love
The Mole Song: Undercover Agent Reiji
Memoirs of a Murderer
Sing My Life
Birds Without Names
After School
Sword of the Stranger
Room for Let
Joy of Man's Desiring
Where I Belong
MUMON: The Land of Stealth